
时间:2023-05-29 09:16:24 本文共计3661个字,预计阅读时长13分钟。

1. Yesterday, I went for a walk in the park. Today, I am staying indoors.

2. Last week, I cooked spaghetti for dinner. This week, I ordered pizza.

3. At 9am, I start work every day. At 5pm, I finish work every day.

4. In Spring, I love to see the flowers bloom. In Winter, I prefer to see the snowfall.

5. Every Monday, I attend a yoga class. Every Tuesday, I attend a dance class.

6. On my birthday, I received a lot of presents. On my sister's birthday, she received even more presents.

7. Yesterday, I watched a movie with my friend. Tomorrow, I am planning to watch a movie alone.

8. Last year, I traveled to Europe. This year, I am planning to travel to Asia.

9. At the beach, I like to swim in the ocean during the day. At night, I like to have bonfire parties.

10. Mornings are my favorite time of the day, while my friend prefers evenings.

11. In Summer, I like to drink iced tea. In Autumn, I prefer hot cocoa.

12. Two weeks ago, I started learning how to play guitar. Today, I can play three songs already.

13. Yesterday, I finished reading a book. Today, I am starting a new book.

14. During the weekdays, I wake up early. During the weekends, I sleep in.

15. During the holidays, I like to catch up on my sleep. During normal days, I get up early and start my work.

16. In January, I make New Year's resolutions. In December, I look back on them to see if I have achieved them.

17. After work, I like to go out with friends. Before work, I like to exercise.

18. In the past, I used to love pizza. Nowadays, I prefer sushi.

19. During the day, I wear light clothing. During the night, I wear heavy clothing to keep warm.

20. At home, I prefer to have quiet time. Outside, I like to be social.

21. Before exams, I study hard. After exams, I celebrate.

22. In the morning, I like to have my coffee. In the evening, I like to have my tea.

23. When I feel happy, I like to dance. When I feel sad, I like to listen to music.

24. Before I travel, I make a checklist of everything I need. After I travel, I usually have a souvenir.

25. During summer vacations, I love to go swimming. During winter vacations, I like to go skiing.

26. On weekdays, I have a strict schedule. On weekends, I have a more relaxed schedule.

27. After a busy day, I like to unwind and relax. After a lazy day, I like to be more productive.

28. In the morning, I like to watch the sunrise. In the evening, I like to watch the sunset.

29. Before going to bed, I always brush my teeth. After waking up, I take a shower.

30. Before going on a trip, I like to read travel guides. After coming back, I like to make a photo album.

31. During the day, I have a lot of energy to do things. At night, I become more tired and prefer to rest.

32. In the morning, I eat a healthy breakfast. In the evening, I have a hearty dinner.

33. During the weekdays, I have to work. During weekends, I have more time for hobbies.

34. Before the summer, I make sure to buy sunscreen. After the summer, I try to keep my tan for as long as possible.

35. In the past, I used to love action movies. Nowadays, I prefer romantic comedies.

36. In Summer, I love to go hiking. In Winter, I prefer to stay indoors and watch movies.

37. Before the deadline, I work hard to finish my project. After the deadline, I usually take a break and relax.

38. During the day, I prefer bright colors. During the night, I prefer dark colors.

39. In the past, I used to be afraid of dogs. Nowadays, I love playing with dogs.

40. Before starting a new project, I like to plan and organize everything. After finishing a project, I like to evaluate my work.

41. During the day, I prefer to read books. During the night, I prefer to watch TV.

42. In the past, I used to be shy. Nowadays, I have gained more confidence.

43. Before going out, I always put on makeup. After coming home, I always remove my makeup.

44. During the day, I like to work outside in the sun. During the night, I like to relax and listen to music.

45. In the past, I used to be a picky eater. Nowadays, I am more open to trying new foods.

46. Before going to a party, I like to choose my outfit carefully. After the party, I like to hang out and chat with friends.

47. During the day, I like to stay active. During the night, I like to wind down and relax.

48. In the past, I used to love roller coasters. Nowadays, I prefer gentle rides.

49. Before going to sleep, I like to read a book. After waking up, I like to make a to-do list for the day.

50. During the day, I prefer to drink water. During the night, I prefer to have a warm cup of milk.

总字数: 1099字
